
Dear Spicy Chicken Sandwich with Avocado and Spinach

Dear Spicy Chicken Sandwich with Avocado and Spinach,

Thank you for feeding my grumbling belly on such short notice. You made for a beautiful impromptu lunch with your lime green avocado slices, delightfully crisp wheat toast, and crumbled white cheddar cheese. I hope we'll meet again soon.


Spicy Chicken Sandwhich with Avocado and Spinach
1 boneless skinless chicken breast or thigh
1 handful fresh spinach
1/2 c. crumbled or grated sharp white cheddar
1/2 avocado, sliced
salt and pepper
cayenne pepper
olive oil
2 slices of good bread

Sprinkle salt, pepper, cumin, and cayenne over your washed chicken. Turn and repeat on the other side. Drizzle some olive oil in a non-stick skillet. Saute your chicken for five minutes on each side or until its cooked through and the spices have started to blacken. Top the chicken breast with cheese and cook for one or two minutes longer until the cheese is melted. Toast your bread. Top with spinach and avocado. Add the cheese covered chicken, and enjoy!

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